Chairs - Department of Political Science
Chair for Prof. Dr. Research associates: Dr. Christoph Haas Research focus: Comparative policy research, Political Economy, Public Finance, Direct Democracy, Methods of Political Science | Chair for Prof. Dr. Research associates: Cathrin Arenz Research focus: Global Governance and Regionalism, Southeast Asia, Peace and Conflict Studies | Chair for Political Philosophy, Theory and History of Ideas Prof. Dr. Research associates: Dr. Friedrich Arndt Research focus: Democratic theory, Security and freedom in the modern political theory, Contract and parliamentary theories | Chair for Prof. Dr. Research associates: Ingo Henneberg Research focus: European Integration, Multi-Level Governance, International negotiations, International relations theory, Research design and qualitative methods |
| Chair for Development Theory and Policy Prof. Dr.
Research associates: Dr. Benjamin Schütze Research focus: Power-sharing agreements, violent conflicts, crisis prevention, State and Statehood, German and French Africa policy | |||
Extraordinary professors: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Eith, Prof. Dr. Rainer Hoffmann, Prof. Dr. Helmut Köser, | ||||||||
Acting Executive Direktor: Prof. Dr. Diana Panke, Acting Executive Manager: Ingo Henneberg Department Administrator: Dr. Christoph Haas | ||||||||
Working group elections Freiburg: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Oberndörfer, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Eith | ||||||||
Address: Rempartstraße 15, 79085 Freiburg im Br. (Germany), Tel.: 0049761/203-67568 |