You are here: Home Politische Theorie Mitarbeiter*innen Anna Meine, M.A.

Anna Meine, M.A.



Teaching and Research Assistant


Mi, 10.30 - 12 Uhr


+49 - (0)761 - 203-3473












seit 04/2012 Teaching and Research Assistant at the Chair of political Philosophy, Theory and the History of political ideas at the Institute of Political Science, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
11/2012-03/2014 Coordinator of the Franco-German programme of studies "Applied Political Science" ("Angewandte Politikwissenschaft", Freiburg - IEP Aix-en-Provence)
01/2009-03/2012 Student Assistant at the Chair of political Philosophy, Theory and the History of political ideas (summer term 2009: Tutor to the lecture  "Introduction to History and Development of Political Theories")
10/2005-12/2011 Studied Political Science (major subject), English Philology, and French Philology (minor subjects); graduated as Magister Artium (topic of the Magister's thesis: Legitimacy beyond the State)
09/2007-06/2008 Visiting undergraduate at the University of Edinburgh (ERASMUS)
2005 Graduated from secondary school at the Mädchengymnasium Essen-Borbeck



  • Debating Legitimacy Transnationally, in: Global Discourse. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Apllied Contemporary Thought, 2016, doi: 10.1080/23269995.2016.1175084.
  • Legitimität und Legalität [Legitimacy and Legality], in: Spannungsfelder der Politischen Theorie (Reihe: Brennpunkt Politik, hg. v. Martin Große-Hüttmann, Gisela Riescher, Reinhold Weber und Hans-Georg Wehling), Stuttgart 2014, S. 123-136.
  • Partizipation jenseits des Staates? Eine Herausforderung für die Demokratietheorie [Participation beyond the State? A Challenge to Democratic Theory], in: Gisela Riescher und Beate Rosenzweig (Hg.): Partizipation und Staatlichkeit. Ideengeschichtliche und aktuelle Theoriediskurse (Reihe: Staatsdiskurse, hg. v. Rüdiger Voigt), Stuttgart 2012, S. 193-216.
  • Legitimität weiter denken? [Thinking Legitimacy beyond the State?] Anschlussmöglichkeiten und Herausforderungen des politikwissenschaftlichen Legitimitätsbegriffs jenseits des Staates, untersucht auf Grundlage der Arbeiten von Fritz W. Scharpf, David Held und Jürgen Habermas, Würzburg 2012.


Since January 2016, I'm member of the editorial team of, a German science blog on political theory. Here, you'll find my contributions.

Research Interests

  • modern political theories, particularly theories of democracy, and debates on legitimacy
  • governance beyond the state, transnational democracy
  • contemporary questions of citizenship and democratic membership (esp. transnational, supranational and cosmopolitan citizenship as well as the citizenship of the European Union)
  • democracy and territory


 Workshops and Conferences

  • ECPR Joint Sessions, 24.-28. April 2016 in Pisa: Paper on "Possibilities and Boundaries of Multiple Democratic Memberships" in the workshop on "Postnational challenges and Tensions between Citizenship and Nation-State".
  • General Conference of the German Political Science Association (DVPW), 21. bis 25. September 2015 in Duisburg: Poster on "Write for Relevance. Learning how to Think and Write in Political Theory by way of a Blended-Learning Design" (with Dr. Friedrich Arndt und Dr. Judith Gurr).
  • Young Researchers' Conference at the cluster of excellence "Normative Orders" on "Borders of Orders", 28.-29. November 2014 in Frankfurt am Main: Presentation and Paper on "Democracy, Citizenship and Territory - Keeping the Link?".
  • ECPR General Conference, 3.-6. September 2014 in Glasgow: Paper and Presentation on "Possibilities and Boundaries of Multiple Democratic Memberships" in the section on "International Political Theory". (Funded by the German Academic Exchange Service.)
  • ECPR Graduate Student Conference, 3.-5. Juli 2014 in Innsbruck: Paper and Presentation on "Citizenship and Territory – A Connection to Keep?" in the section "Globalisation, Citizenship and Migration". (Funded by the ECPR.)


Summer term 2016

Proseminar "Bürgerschaft: Begriff, Grenzen und Debatten im Kontext von Migration und Globalisierung" [Citizenship: Concept, Boundaries and Debates in the Context of Migration and Globalisation]

Three-day Course "Techniken und Methoden wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens" [Methods of Academic Research and Writing] (with Dr. Marcus Obrecht)

Winter term 2015/16 Proseminar "Politische Theorie jenseits des Staates - Gerechtigkeit und Demokratie" [Political Theory beyond the State - Justice and Democracy]
Summer term 2015

Proseminar "Demokratie im Staat! Demokratie jenseits des Staates?" [Democracy in the State! Democracy beyond the State?]

Three-day Course "Techniken und Methoden wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens" [Methods of Academic Research and Writing] (with Dr. Marcus Obrecht)

Winter term 2014/15 Advanced Seminar "Transnationale Bürgerschaft und Demokratie" [Transnational Citizenship and Democracy] (with Dr. Friedrich Arndt)
Summer term  2014

Proseminar "Gerechtigkeit und Demokratie jenseits des Staates" [Justice and Democracy beyond the State]

Three-day Course "Techniken und Methoden wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens" (with Dr. Marcus Obrecht)

Winter term 2013/14 Graduate seminar "Kosmopolitische Denkansätze" [Cosmopolitan Thought] (with Prof. Dr. Gisela Riescher)
Summer term 2013

Proseminar "Politische Theorie jenseits des Staates: Legitimität, Gerechtigkeit, Demokratie" [Political Theory beyond the State: Legitimacy, Justice, Democracy]

Three-day Course "Techniken und Methoden wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens" [Methods of Academic Research and Writing] (with Dr. Marcus Obrecht)

Summer term 2012 Advanced seminar "Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Werk und Wirkung" [Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Writings and Impact] (with Dr. Judith Gurr)
Juli/August 2010 Two-week course "Der Mensch in der Gesellschaft. Egoistischer Entscheider oder Soziales Wesen?" [Human Beings in Society. Self-Serving Decision Makers or Social Beings?] at the German Students' Academy 2010 in Rostock (with Nils Müller, Sociology Oldenburg)

From March 2013 to October 2015, I participated in the further education programme on university didactics at Freiburg University and acquired the "Baden-Württemberg-Zertifikat für Hochschuldidaktik" (certificate of university didactics issued by the land Baden-Württemberg).