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Ingo Henneberg

Position Research Associate
Office hour Mondays, 16-17 (appointments via e-mail)

Belfortstraße 20, 1. OG Hinterhaus

79085 Freiburg i. Br.

Room 01010/11
Telephone  +49-(0)761-203-67854




Ingo Henneberg is since March 2014 Research Associate at the Chair of Multi-Level Governance (Prof. Dr. Diana Panke) and since October 2015 Acting Executive Manager at the Department of Political Science. Ingo Henneberg studied political science at the Universities of Bamberg, Passau, Málaga (Spain) and Augsburg and graduated with a BA in Governance and Public Policy and an MA in Conflict Studies (final grade: very good). Internships and project positions took him to the Ministry of Defence, the German Bundestag (Foreign Affairs Committee), the German Association for Peace and Conflict Research (AFK) and the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) in Hamburg. His dissertation project, supervised by Prof. Dr. Diana Panke, deals with the role of regional organizations in intrastate conflicts.


  • Acting Executive Manager of the Department of Political Science
  • Board Member of the Doctoral Convention of the Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of Philosophy (Link)

Research Interests

  • Strategic issues of foreign and security policy
  • Regional Organizations and Regional Peace & Security Cooperation
  • Peace and Conflict Studies
  • Civil Wars & armed non-state actors
  • Power-Sharing
  • Structured Conflict Analysis



  • Bock, Andreas M./Henneberg, Ingo (ed.) (2014): Iran, die Bombe und das Streben nach Sicherheit. Strukturierte Konfliktanalysen [Iran, the Bomb and the Quest for Security. Structured Conflict Analysis]. Series: Innovative Forschung – Theorien, Methoden, Konzepte. No. 2. Baden-Baden: Nomos. ISBN: 978-3-8487-0802-4.


Articles in anonymously peer-reviewed Journals

  • Plank, Friedrich/ Henneberg, Ingo (2015): Von der heißen Schlacht zum kalten Buffet Strategien der Inklusion und Exklusion in Power-Sharing Abkommen und Friedensprozessen [From Fighting to Dinner Strategies of Inclusion and Exclusion in Power-Sharing Agreements and Peace Processes]. In: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. Vol. 4, No. 1. p. 74-114. DOI: 10.5771/2192-1741-2015-1-74.
  • Bock, Andreas M./ Henneberg, Ingo/ Plank, Friedrich (2015): “If you compress the spring, it will snap back hard”: The Ukrainian crisis and the balance of threat theory. In: International Journal. Vol. 70, No. 1. p. 101-109. DOI: 10.1177/0020702014562593.


Articles in Journals and Anthologies, Working Papers

  • Panke, Diana/ Henneberg, Ingo (2016) (in preparation): International Organisations and Foreign Policy. In: Oxford Encyclopedia of Foreign Policy Analysis. Oxford University Press (peer-reviewed).
  • Brühl, Tanja/ Henneberg, Ingo (2016) (forthcoming): Standortübergreifende Ringvorlesung – Erfahrungen eines Lehrprojekts zum ‚Islamischen Staat’ [Cross-site lecture series – Experiences from a teaching project on the ‘Islamic State’]. In: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. Vol. 5, No. 2. p. 278-286. DOI: 10.5771/2192-1741-2016-2-278.
  • Henneberg, Ingo/Plank, Friedrich (2015): Conflict Management in the Constitution of South Sudan (2011). In: Marauhn, Thilo/ Elliesie, Hatem (ed.): Legal Transformation in Northern Africa and the South Sudan. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing. p. 117-136.
  • Plank, Friedrich/Henneberg, Ingo (2014): Die Anwendungspotenziale der strukturierten Konfliktanalyse in den Internationalen Beziehungen [The Potential for Application of Structured Conflict Analysis in International Relations]. In: Bock, Andreas M./ Henneberg, Ingo (ed.): Iran, die Bombe und das Streben nach Sicherheit. Strukturierte Konfliktanalysen. Baden-Baden: Nomos. p. 33-34.
  • Bock, Andreas M./Henneberg, Ingo (2014): Der Iran und die strukturierte Konfliktanalyse [Iran and the Structured Conflict Analysis]. In: Bock, Andreas M./ Henneberg, Ingo (ed.): Iran, die Bombe und das Streben nach Sicherheit. Strukturierte Konfliktanalysen. Baden-Baden: Nomos. p. 7-14. 
  • Henneberg, Ingo (2013): Das politische System des Südsudan [The Political System of South Sudan]. In: Verfassung und Recht in Übersee – Law and Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America. 2-2013. p. 174-196. DOI: 10.5771/0506-7286-2013-2-174.
  • Bock, Andreas M./Henneberg, Ingo (2013): Why balancing fails. Theoretical reflections on Stephen M. Walt’s ‚Balance of Threat’ theory. Working Paper 2/2013. Working Papers on International Politics and Foreign Policy. University of Cologne.
  • Henneberg, Ingo (2013): Frieden und Grenzen. Bericht zum 45. AFK-Jahreskolloquium “Frieden und Grenzen: Herausforderungen für die Friedens‐ und Konfliktforschung”. In: Wissenschaft und Frieden. 3-2013. p. 46.


Other work

  • Henneberg, Ingo (2016): Text comparison of the Interim Constitution of Southern Sudan (2005) and the Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan (2011). University of Freiburg. Link.


Some texts can be found here: Profile and Profile


  • Winter Term 2016/17: Einführung in die Politikwissenschaft [Introduction into Political Science] (Bachelor Seminar; parts on IR, EU and P&C);
  • Summer Term 2016: Regionales Konfliktmanagement und internationale Friedensordnung [Regional Conflict Management and International Peace Order] (Bachelor Seminar); Terrormiliz IS/Daesh – Verstehen, Einordnen und Bewerten ["Islamic State"/Daesh - Understanding, classifying and evaluating] (Bachelor Seminar, cooperation project of 13 universities)
  • Winter Term 2015/16: Einführung in die Politikwissenschaft [Introduction into Political Science] (Bachelor Seminar); Ressourcenkonflikte [Resource Conflicts] (Teaching Research Project at University College Freiburg)
  • Summer Term 2015: EUropean and US Africa PolicyA Comparative Analysis (Bachelor Seminar)
  • Winter Term 2014/15: Das iranische Atomprogramm und die Rolle der EU: Strukturierte Konfliktanalysen [The Iranian Nuclear Program and the Role of the EU] (Bachelor Seminar)
  • Summer Term 2014: Die Bearbeitung internationaler und innerstaatlicher Konflikte durch Regionalorganisationen [The Management of International and Intra-state Conflicts by Regional Organizations] (Bachelor Seminar)
  • Winter Term 2013/14: Civil Wars and Power Sharing – Conflict Management in Post-Conflict Situations (Master Seminar, University of Augsburg)


  • Certificate for Teaching in Higher Education of the Bavarian Universities (February 2015); University of Freiburg eLearning Certificate (running)


Conference Papers/Presentations

  • Panel Organization: Frieden und Sicherheit durch Regionalorganisationen? [Peace and Security trough Regional Organizations?] together with Friedrich Plank. Drei-Länder-Tagung: Regionalismus in einer entgrenzten Welt  (DVPW, ÖGPW, SVPW). Heidelberg, 30. September 2016.
  • Cheap Talk or Long-term Institutionalization? Legal Competences and Activities of Regional Organizations in Maintaining Peace and Security in Africa (Panel 08: Regionalorganisationen und regionale Sicherheit [Regional Organizations and Regional Security]). Drei-Länder-Tagung: Regionalismus in einer entgrenzten Welt (DVPW, ÖGPW, SVPW). Heidelberg, 30. September 2016.
  • ---*. 57th International Studies Associations Annual Convention (ISA). Atlanta, March 19th 2016.
  • Assessing Legal Competences and Activities of Regional Organizations in the Field of Peace and Security (Panel: Ursachen und Konsequenzen des institutionellen Designs von Regionalorganisationen /Subject group Comparative Regionalism). Congress of the German Political Science Association (DVPW) 2015. Duisburg, 25th September 2015.
  • The Role of Regional Organizations in Managing Violent, Intrastate Conflicts: Mapping the Competences of Regional Organizations in the Field of Peace and Security (Panel SC75: Understanding Peacebuilding Interventions Across Countries). 56th International Studies Associations Annual Convention (ISA). New Orleans, February 21th 2015.
  • Beggars can´t be choosers? Inklusion/Exklusion in Power Sharing Abkommen und Friedensprozessen (Panel: Inclusion and Exclusion in peace negotiations and transition processes) together with Friedrich Plank. 46. Colloquium of the German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies. Villigst, April, 4th 2014.
  • Why threats prevail- Towards a new understanding of security together with Dr. Andreas Bock and Friedrich Plank. 8th Pan-European Conference on International Relations (EISA). Warsaw, September, 21th 2013. Supported by the President of the University of Augsburg.
  • Conflict resolution in the constitution of South Sudan (2011) together with Maik Boldau and Friedrich Plank at the 9th International South Sudan and Sudan Studies Conference. Bonn, July, 25th 2012.
  • Konfliktregelung in der Verfassung des Südsudan with Friedrich Plank at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Working Group for Constitutional Law in Overseas. Limburg, July, 7th 2012.


 * under review