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Miguel Haubrich Seco

Position  Research Associate
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          miguel haubrich seco


Profile/Brief CV

Miguel Haubrich Seco studied Political Science, Economic Policy and Current and Modern History at the University of Freiburg. During his studies, he focused on the interplay between International Relations and the EU's development. Pursuing this interest, he is currently working on his PhD dissertation on the EU’s influence on regional cooperation beyond its borders (under co-tutelle at the University of Cologne and Charles University in Prague)

Before joining the Chair of Multilevel Governance, Miguel was a Marie Curie Fellow in the framework of the EXACT project on EU external action. During this time he worked at the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in Rome, at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) in Brussels and at the Universities of Cologne and Prague. Before joining the EXACT project, Miguel worked at the European Parliament, first as a trainee dealing with the Committee on Legal Affairs, and subsequently after graduation, for Elmar Brok, MEP, then rapporteur on the establishment of the European External Action Service.

His fields of interest include assessing the influence of the European Union as an international actor, foreign policy-making at the EU level, the promotion of regional integration and cooperation by the EU, its institutional development and EU inter-institutional affairs.

Publications and conference papers

  • 2013: Tracing the impact of EU promotion of regional integration and cooperation in Mercosur and the Western Balkans, Paper presented at the Thirteenth EUSA Biennial Conference, May 9-11th 2013, Baltimore, and at the ISA Annual Convention 2013, April 3rd-6th, San Francisco. 
  • Alcaro, R. / Haubrich Seco, M. (eds.) (2012): Re-Thinking Western Policies in Light of the Arab Uprisings, Rome: Nuova Cultura, ISBN 978-88-6134-778-6.
  • Haubrich Seco, M. (2011): Decoupling Trade from Politics. The EU and region-building in the Andes, IAI Working Paper Series, 11-20, July 2011, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome.
  • 2011: EU promotion of regional cooperation. Theoretical and methodological concerns, Paper presented at the 7th Graduate Conference Hebrew University (Jerusalem), December 15th 2011.
  • 2011: EU promotion of regional cooperation in the African Union – supporting symbolic regionalism or bringing about peace?, Paper presented at the UACES Student Forum 12th Annual Conference, June 30th - July 1st 2011, Guildford, UK.

Book reviews, conference reports, and other contributions


2014: B.A. seminars ‚The EU’s political system between further communitarisation and fragmentation‘ and ‘The EU in international relations – foundations and analyses from current practice’

2013/2014: Proseminare ‘Regionalorganisationen in den Internationalen Beziehungen’ and ‚The EU as an international actor‘ 

2012/2013: M.A. seminar 'EU external action: examples and analyses from current practice' (together with Simon Stroß), Charles University in Prague.

2011/2012: B.A. seminar on External Relations of the European Union (together with Marlene Gottwald), University of Cologne.