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  • "Jean Monnet Netzwerk zu EU-UN Beziehungen"


Förderung: Die Europäische Union

Projektbeginn: Dezember 2016, Laufzeit 3 Jahre


EU-NET. Studying EU-UN Relations.

Partner von Prof. Dr. Diana Panke und Team sind neben der koordinierenden Athens University of Economics and Business (Spyros Blavoukos, Dimitris Bourantonis, John Galariotis und Maria Gianniou), ExpertInnen der London School of Economics and Political Science (Karen Smith), Leiden University (Madeleine Hosli), Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Robert Kissack), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Jan Wouters und Edith Drieskens), Adelphi University (Katie Laatikainen), Université catholique de Louvain (Tom Delreux).

Weitere Details folgen in Kürze.


  • "Towards an Increasing Regionalization of International Politics? Comparing the Development of External Competencies of Regional Organizations over Time"


Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Diana Panke

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin: Anna Katharina Starkmann

Förderung: Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung

Projektbeginn: September 2016

Projekt Thyssen-Stiftung Diana Panke Anna Starkmann

(v.l.n.r.: Diana Panke, Anna Starkmann)




Staaten arbeiten in nahezu allen geographischen Teilen unserer Welt in Regionalen Organisationen (ROs) zusammen. Obwohl viele ROs mit dem Ziel geschaffen wurden, die wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit unter den jeweiligen Mitgliedstaaten zu stärken, sind heute so gut wie alle der nunmehr 61 ROs auch außerhalb ihrer geographischen Grenzen aktiv. Fallstudien haben gezeigt, dass ROs heute durchaus wichtige internationale Akteure sind, die wichtige Beiträge zur Lösung internationaler Probleme in den verschiedensten Politikfeldern leisten können (z.B. Artenschutz, Klimawandel). Dennoch gibt es keine vergleichenden Studien zur Rolle der 61 ROs hinsichtlich der Regionalisierung internationaler Politik über Zeit. Das Projekt untersucht und vergleicht wichtige grundlegende Voraussetzungen, unter denen die verschiedenen ROs internationale Beziehungen überhaupt erst beeinflussen können. Es analysiert, wie sich die externen Politikkompetenzen von ROs zwischen 1945 und 2015 und über neune externe Politikfelder hinweg entwickelt haben und erklärt beobachtete Varianzen zwischen ROs, über externe Politikfelder hinweg und über Zeit. Das Projekt bietet wichtige Einblicke in die dynamische Kompetenzzunahme externer Politiken von ROs, zeigt warum manche ROs stärker auf externes Handeln ausgerichtet sind als andere und erklärt warum die Regionalisierung internationaler Politik über Politikfelder hinweg variiert.


  • "Foreign Policy as Public Policy? Exploring Promises and Pitfalls of Public Policy Approaches for Foreign Policy Analysis": Tagung 3.-4. November 2016 in Heidelberg


Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Klaus Brummer (Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt), Prof. Dr. Sebastian Harnisch (Universität Heidelberg), Dr. Kai Oppermann (University of Sussex), Prof. Dr. Diana Panke (Universität Freiburg)

Förderung: Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung


Historically speaking, the study of foreign policy has largely concerned the analysis of decision making processes, individual decision-makers and the effects of international structural factors, anarchy and institutions, and the interactions between these forces. Over the last decades, the erosion of statehood in many areas of the world and the integration of statehood in some has shifted the gravitational pull between hierarchy as the ordering principle in the domestic realm and anarchy in the international sphere. Although foreign policy analysts have started to address these tectonic currents in various ways, e.g. by examining intermestic politics in foreign trade policy, the consequences of this phenomenon for foreign policy analysis have not been considered systematically.

The conference will start out from the assumption that in order to capture these shifts and currents, the study of foreign policy can benefit from taking on board more systematically scholarship in public policy. This is the case, in particular, because foreign policy has become more similar to (and intertwined with) “ordinary” public policies. For once, foreign policy is no longer the more or less exclusive domain of the executive branch of government. With the increasing participation and/or influence of a range of actors such as parliaments, courts, non-governmental organizations, interest groups, etc., national governments no longer monopolize foreign policy and are even struggling to maintain their gatekeeping role. In addition to the plurality of actors that now characterizes foreign policy, allegedly “domestic” fields of public policy increasingly have external implications, particularly in a highly integrated region like Europe.

However, despite this blurring of real-world boundaries between the external and the internal, and hence foreign policy and domestic policies, a divide still persists regarding the analysis of policy-making processes and substantive policies in foreign affairs on the one hand and virtually all other public policies on the other hand. While foreign policy is still predominantly analyzed through the lens of analytical approaches developed in the field of Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA), “theories of the policy process” are typically used to make sense of developments in all other policy realms. Although public policy scholars dealing with the analysis of domestic policy fields, such as social and economic policy, interior affairs or environmental policy, use a broad array of heuristics, concepts and theories, the possible contribution of such approaches to the analysis of foreign policy has yet to be fully explored.

Against this background, the conference seeks to bridge the “analytical divide” between FPA and Public Policy (and thus Comparative Politics more generally). The presentations will provide novel insights into how and under which conditions foreign policy analysis can be enriched by ‘domestic realm’ public policy approaches, concepts and theories. By making use of analytical concepts developed in the respective “other” field, the conference aims at contributing to theoretical dialogue, integration and innovation across sub-disciplinary boundaries, thereby enhancing our understanding of policy-making processes and policies across issue areas (see the appendix for abstracts of the contributions).

With this purpose in mind, the conference will have presentations from leading international scholars as well as mid-career scholars who have already proven their ability to make crucial contributions to the field. In line with the objective of the conference to bring together public policy approaches and the analysis of foreign policy, participants include scholars from both research communities. 

The presentations will cover a selection of the most important domestic public policy approaches and examine their transferability and adaptability to foreign policy analysis. Specifically, the conference will have three parts. The first part of the conference will cover a range of actor-centered approaches (Multiple Streams, Advocacy Coalitions, Veto Players, Punctuated Equilibrium) while the second part will discuss more structural approaches (New Institutionalism, Network Analysis, Policy Diffusion, Policy Learning). The third part will have a summary discussion of the presentations and a dedicated forward planning session to identify promising next steps in bringing public policy and foreign policy research together. Thereby the conference seeks to establish how bridging the intra-disciplinary divide between public policy and foreign policy analysis can enrich foreign policy studies and shows how exactly foreign policy analysis can benefit from broadening its instruments for analysis. The presentations will also discuss under what conditions such a transfer is less promising due to the ‘sui generis’ character of foreign policy.


  • "Verhandeln in komplexen Mehrebenensystemen: Regionale Organisationen in Internationalen Organisationen -  Aktiv und Einflussreich?"


Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Diana Panke

Wissenschaftliche MitarbeiterInnen: Anke Wiedemann, Stefan Lang

Studentische Hilfskräfte: Marina Ermes, Martin Scharf, Thomas Krebs, Matthias Edelmann

Förderung: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Förderzeitraum Oktober 2013 - September 2016; verlängert bis Januar 2018



Die Forschung hat gezeigt, dass regionale Organisationen (RO) oftmals auch außerhalb ihrer geographischen Grenzen aktiv sind. Ein Beispiel hierfür ist die Nachbarschaftspolitik der Europäischen Union (EU). Das Projekt ‚Nested Games: Regional Actors in Multilateral Negotiations‘ beschäftigt sich auch mit ROs als externe Akteure, aber nimmt einen anderen Blickwinkel ein. Es untersucht die Rolle von verschiedenen ROs in multilateralen Verhandlungen in einer Reihe verschiedener internationaler Organisationen (IO). Mit der Zunahme an ROs und IOs seit Ende des zweiten Weltkriegs und mit der zunehmenden überlappenden Mitgliedschaft von Staaten in ROs und IOs werden ROs de fakto auch zunehmend Akteure in IOs. Beispiele hierfür umfassen die Rolle der ASEAN in der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation (ILO) hinsichtlich Arbeitslosenversicherungen oder die Unterstützung Mercosurs für ein Walschutzgebiet im Südatlantik im Rahmen der Verhandlungen in der Internationalen Walfangkommission (IWC). Das Projekt beleuchtet das Phänomen der Regionalisierung multilateraler Verhandlungen mit Hilfe von Mehrebenenansätzen. Hierzu werden eine Reihe verschiedener ROs und IOs herangezogen, um auf einer breiten Datenbasis mit Hilfe von qualitativen und quantitativen Methoden zu untersuchen, wie aktiv ROs an den Verhandlungen in den verschiedenen IOs teilnehmen und wie einflussreich sie bei der inhaltlichen Gestaltung internationaler Normen sind. Sind manche ROs aktiver als andere und sind manche IOs besonders offen für ROs und warum? Unter welchen Bedingungen können ROs de fakto Einfluss über internationale Normen ausüben obwohl sie üblicherweise keine Vollmitgliedschaft besitzen?




Konferenzvorträge – und Papiere:

o  EU in International Affairs Conference, Brussels, May 11th to 13th: “The EU and other Regional Actors in international Negotiations. Why are some ROs more active than others?” (Diana Panke)
o    ECPR Standing Group 8th Pan-European Conference on the European Union, Trento/ Italy, June 16th to 18th: “The EU and other Regional Actors in international Negotiations. Why are some ROs more active than others?” (Diana Panke)
o   ISA Annual Convention Atlanta/USA, February 18th: “Speaking with one voice? Activity of Regional Actors in International Peace and Security Negotiations” (Diana Panke, Anke Wiedemann).
o   ISA Annual Convention Atlanta/USA, February 18th: “A Peaceful Cooperation? Varying Success of Regional Actors in the Arms Trade Treaty Negotiations” (Diana Panke, Anke Wiedemann).


o DVPW Kongress Duisburg/ Deutschland; 25.September: “The International Effects of Overlapping Regionalism”. Panel: “Ursachen und Konsequenzen von überlappender Mitgliedschaft in Regionalorganisationen” (Diana Panke, Stefan Lang und Anke Wiedemann).
o    British International Studies Association conference 2015, 17th to 19th June 2015 in London: "Regional Actors in International Organizations. Towards a Regionalization of International Negotiations?" (Panke, Lang und Wiedemann)
o   ISA Annual Convention New Orleans/ USA, 20.Februar: “Regional Organizations as Shapers of International Norms?” (Stefan Lang und Anke Wiedemann).
o  ISA Annual Convention New Orleans/ USA, 19.Februar: “Overlapping Regionalization and its International Effects” (Diana Panke).
o   ISA Annual Convention New Orleans/ USA, 19.Februar: “Regional Actors in International Institutions. Active = Influential?” (Diana Panke, Stefan Lang und Anke Wiedemann).
o  ISA Annual Convention New Orleans/ USA, 17.Februar: “Multiple Irons in the Fire: Effects of Overlapping Memberships in United Nations Negotiations (Diana Panke, Stefan Lang und Anke Wiedemann; Beitrag im Workshop “Overlapping Regionalism: Drivers, Interactions, Effects”).
o   Workshop “'The EU at the UN General Assembly” Athen/ Griechenland, 13-14 Februar: “The Effectiveness of Regional Actors in the UNGA. The EU in a comparative perspective” (Diana Panke).

o Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen/ Deutschland, 20.November: “Regional Actors in International Organizations- Towards a Regionalization of International Negotiations?” (Diana Panke).
o   European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Glasgow/ United Kingdom, 6. September: “Regional Groups in the United Nations – Coordinated Influence?” (Diana Panke, Stefan Lang und Anke Wiedemann).
o   ISA Annual Convention Toronto/Kanada, 28.März: “Regional Actors in International Institutions. Why do some participate more actively in negotiations than others?” (Diana Panke, Stefan Lang und Anke Wiedemann).



o    Diana Panke (im Erscheinen) "Regional Actors in International Security Negotiations." In: European Journal for Security Reasearch. DOI: 10.1007/s41125-016-0010-4
o   Diana Panke (im Erscheinen) "Speech is silver, silence is golden? Examining state activity in international negotiations." In: The Review of International Organizations. DOI: 10.1007/s11558-016-9244-1.
o   Diana Panke, Stefan Lang, Anke Wiedemann (im Erscheinen) "State & Regional Actors in Complex Governance Systems. Exploring Dynamics of International Negotiations." In: British Journal of Politics and International Relations. DOI: 10.1177/1369148116669904. 
o    Diana Panke, Stefan Lang und Anke Wiedemann (2015) "Regional Actors in the United Nations. Exploring the Regionalization of International Negotiations". In: Global Affairs, Volume: 2, Issue: 1,
o   Diana Panke (2014) “The European Union in the United Nations. An Effective External Actor?”. In: Journal of European Public Policy. Bd. 21, Nr. 7, 1050-1066.
o  Diana Panke (2014) "Communicative Power Europe? How the EU Copes with Opposition in International Negotiations". In: European Foreign Affairs Review, Bd. 19, Nr. 3, 357-372.
o   Diana Panke (2013) “Regional Power Revisited. How to Explain Differences in Coherency and Success of Regional Organizations in the United Nations General Assembly”. In: International Negotiation Journal. Bd. 18, Nr. 2, 265–291.

Unter Begutachtung:


o   Diana Panke, Stefan Lang und Anke Wiedemann (title omitted to allow for anonymous review process (unter Begutachtung bei European Political Science Review)
o   Diana Panke, Stefan Lang und Anke Wiedemann (title omitted to allow for anonymous review process (eingereicht bei Cooperation and Conflict)

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