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Dr. Christian von Lübke


Funktion Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Sprechstunde N.N.

Windausstr. 16
79110 Freiburg

Telefon +49 (0)761 88878-29

Akademischer Lebenslauf

2008-2011 Postdoc, Stanford University (Asia-Pacific Research Center), Palo Alto/USA
2004-2008 Ph.D., Political Science, Australian National University, Canberra/Australien
2000-2001 Research Methodology & Indonesian Studies, School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS), London/UK
1994-2000 B.A./M.A., Economics, Westfälische-Wilhelms Universität Münster
1996-1997 Japanese Studies Program, International Christian University, Tokio/Japan

Vollständiger Lebenslauf von Dr. Christian von Lübke inkl. Publikationsliste

Forschung und Berufliche Laufbahn

2013-Senior Research Fellow, Arnold-Bergstraesser Institut
2011-Postdoctoral Assistant/ Returning DFG Fellow, Seminar für wissenschaftliche Politik, Universität Freiburg
2008-2011Shorenstein Fellow / DFG Fellow, Stanford University
2007Research Associate, Institute for Global Political Economy, Waseda University, Tokio/Japan
2005-2007World Bank, Indonesia; Consultant: “Political Economy of Local Reform and Rural Development”; field surveys in Sumatra, Java, Bali and West Nusa Tenggara; co-facilitator of national/international conferences and workshops.
2004-2005Teaching and Research Assistant, Crawford School of Economics and Government, Australian National University
2001-2004German Development Cooperation (GIZ), Indonesia Consultant: Local economic development in Eastern Indonesia; ‘participatory appraisal of competitive advantage’ (PACA); public-private partnerships, economic development analyses
1998The Development Gap, Washington DC, USA Research Assistant: analyses on the performance of German and Japanese development cooperation; interviews with development officials and NGO experts
1998German Embassy, Tokyo, Japan Trainee: assignments for economic, political, culture secretariats; reports on international economic cooperation and Japanese politics
1997Trainee, General Motors, Marketingabteilung, Tokio/Japan


  • Methodenforschung
  • Governance
  • Demokratietransformationen
  • Korruption
  • Wirtschaftsentwicklung
  • Ungleichheit
  • Zivilgesellschaft
  • Neue Medien
  • Regionaler Schwerpunkt: Asien/Südostasien mit besonderem Fokus auf Indonesien

Laufende und abgeschlossene Projekte

  • 2014-16 (laufendes Projekt): Volkswagen-Stiftung, Postdoc-Kooperation/Betreuung, Themenschwerpunkt: "Resource Extraction & Recultivation in Burkina Faso" (zusammen mit Djibril Dayamba, Helga Dickow und Benno Pokorny)
  • 2014 (laufendes Projekt): Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Querschnittsanalyse der weltweiten Regionalarbeit
  • 2013: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Projektfortschrittskontrolle/PFK - "Governance Programme Pakistan"
  • Sachvertändiger für den Bereich  "Administrative Reform" in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa - Evaluationstätigkeiten in Peshawar und Islamabad
  • 2007-2008: DfID / Institute for Development Studies (IDS), Brighton/UK, Mitglied der Forschergruppe "Global Assessment of Public Action and Private Investment”; Themenschwerpunkt: "Business Climates and Economic Development in Indonesia"



  • "Agents of Change – The Political Economy of Good Government in Democratic Indonesia" (geplante Einreichung 2015).
  • "Paradox Refomasi di Indonesia: Kasus Century dan KPK", Onlinepublikation auf Indonesisch, Solidaritas Masyarakat Indonesia untuk Keadilan, Jakarta (2009).
  • "Local Leadership in Transition: Explaining Variation in Indonesian Subnational Government", Australian National University, Canberra (PhD thesis).

Zeitschriftenaufsätze (begutachtet)

  • "Modular Comparisons: Grounding and Gauging Southeast Asian Governance", in: Pacific Affairs, 2014, 87 (3), S. 509-538.
  • "Striking the Right Balance: Economic Concentration and Local Government Performance in Indonesia and the Philippines", in: European Journal of East Asian Studies, 2012, 11(1), S. 17-44.
  • "A Tale of Two Cities: The Political Economy of Local Investment Climates in Indonesia", in: Journal of Development Studies, 2012, 18(7), S. 799-816 (mit N. McCulloch und A. Patunru).
  • "The Politics of Reform: Political Scandals, Elite Resistance, and Presidential Leadership in Indonesia", in: Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, 2011, 29 (1), S. 79-94.
  • "Survey of Recent Developments", in: Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 2010, 46 (1), S. 7-28, (mit A. Patunru).
  • "Heterodox Reform Symbioses: The Political Economy of Investment Climate Reforms in Solo, Indonesia", in: Asian Economic Journal, 2009, 23(3), S. 269–96 (mit N. McCulloch und A. Patunru).
  • "The Political Economy of Local Governance: Findings from an Indonesian Field Study", in: Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 2009, 45(2), S. 201-30.


  • "Continuity and Change: Societal Power and Accountability in Democratic Indonesia", in: Y. Takahashi (Hrsg.): The Politics of Accountability Reform, Yuhikaku Press, Tokyo, S. 210-233 (auf Japanisch; i.E.).
  • "Leadership and Voice in Local Governance", in N. McCulloch (Hrsg.), Rural Investment Climate in Indonesia, 2009, ISEAS Press, Singapur: S. 246-300.