Sie sind hier: Startseite Governance in … MitarbeiterInnen Dr. Bidzina Lebanidze

Dr. Bidzina Lebanidze


Funktion Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter

Während der Vorlesungszeit: Dienstags 11:00-12:00 Uhr (Anmeldung per E-Mail)


Belfortstraße 20, 1. OG Hinterhaus

79085 Freiburg i. Br.

Raum 01 010/11
Telefon  +49-(0)761-203-67568












Dr. Bidzina Lebanidze wird ab dem 1. Oktober 2016 am Lehrstuhl für Governance in Mehrebenensystemen tätig sein. Bisher war er u.a. an der Freien Universität Berlin tätig.


  • 04/2016 – 09/2016 Lehrbeauftragter, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
  • 09/2014 – 06/2016 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Arbeitsstelle für Europäische Integration, Otto-Suhr-Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Freie Universität Berlin, EU-Projekt MAXCAP (Maximizing the Integration Capacity of the European Union)
  • 01/2016 - Forschungsbeauftragter, Georgian Institute of Politics
  • 09.2010 – 04/2011 Lehrbeauftragter, Staatlicher Ilia Universität, Tiflis, Georgien
  • 01/2008 – 04/2011 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Regionalprogramm Politscher Dialog Südkaukasus, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Tiflis, Georgien


Akademische Ausbildung

02/2016 Promotion zum Dr. phil. an der Freien Universität Berlin  

mit dem Ergebnis magna cum laude

Thema der Doktorarbeit: “Bringing the puzzle together: Russia, EU and the post-Soviet democratic failure”; Kommissionsmitglieder: Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel, Prof. Dr. Thomas Risse, Prof. Dr. Eckart D. Stratenschulte, Prof. Dr. David Aprasidze, Dr. Julia Langbein.

08/2007 Abschluss des Studiums der Internationalen Beziehungen (Master) an der Staatlichen Universität Tiflis, Note: sehr gut



  • (2012) 'Political Elites, Ideas and Foreign Policy: Explaining and Understanding the International Behavior of Small States in the Former Soviet Union'. Co-authored with G. Gvalia and Z. Iashvili. Tbilisi: Ilia State University Press.

 Begutachtete Zeitschriftenbeiträge und Buchkapitel

  • (2016 forthcoming) ‘"The Transformative Power of Europe” Beyond Enlargement: EU Democracy Promotion and Political Change, East European Politics. Co-authored with Tanja Börzel.
  • (2016 forthcoming) ‘Cohesiveness, Coherence, and Consistency in the ENP’, In ‘The Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy’, edited by Thomas Demmelhuber, Andreas Marchetti and Tobias Schumacher, Routlidge. Co-authored with Tanja Börzel.
  • (2016) ‘Civil society and party politics in Georgia - transformational crisis’, in ‘Unfinished Project: Achievements and Failures of Georgia’s Transformation’, edited by David Aprasidze, Tbilisi, Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Co-authored with Kornely Kakachia.
  • (2016) ‘Building a Security Community in the EU’s Neighbourhood? Experiences from Georgia’, In ‘External governance as security community building – The limits and potential of the European Neighbourhood Policy’, edited by Pernille Rieker, Houndmills: Palgrave. Co-authored with Keti Bolkvadze. 79-105
  • (2014) 'What Makes Authoritarian Regimes Sweat? Linkage, Leverage and Democratization in post-Soviet South Caucasus', Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 14(2): 199-218
  • (2013) 'Thinking Outside the Bloc: Explaining the Foreign Policies of Small States', Security Studies, 22(1): 98-131. Co-authored with G. Gvalia, D. Siroky and Z. Iashvili.


 Andere Beiträge, Buchkapitel und Forschungspapiere

  • (2016) ‘Economic engagement and its spillover effect on conflict management.’ Paper prepared for the OSCE Network Workshop on Innovative Approaches to Protracted Conflicts.
  • (2016) ‘Democracy under Stress: Western Fatigue, Russian Resurgence, and Their Implications for Democratic Processes in Georgia, Policy Brief No. 2, Georgian Institute of Politics.
  • (2015) ‘European Neighbourhood Policy at the Cross-Roads: Evaluating the Past to Shape the Future.’ MAXCAP Working Paper No. 12, “Maximizing the integration capacity of the European Union: Lessons of and prospects for enlargement and beyond” (MAXCAP), Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin. Co-authored with Tanja Börzel.
  • (2014) 10 Years of the ENP - The Way Forward with the EaP, MAXCAP Policy Brief No. 1, August 2015, “Maximizing the integration capacity of the European Union: Lessons of and prospects for enlargement and beyond” (MAXCAP).
  • (2009) 'Georgia as a New Challenge for the EU'. Konrad Adenauer Foundation Country Reports. Co-authored with Katja Christina Plate.
  • (2008) 'Causes of War – Prospects for Peace', Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Co-editor with Katja Christina Plate. Tbilisi: CGS.
  • (2008) ‘The role of Groupthink in the process of decision-making inside the Soviet and post-Soviet dissident movements’. Working Paper Series, Center for Strategic Studies.
  • (2008) ‘The decision-making process in ‘Grand Coalitions’ in Germany.’ Working Paper Series, Center for Strategic Studies.


Stipendien und Forschungsgrants


  • 10/2014 – 10/2016          Academic Swiss Caucasus Net, Forschungsprojekt “Europeanization on a rocky ground: Russia and the EU in the South Caucasus”
  • 04/2011 – 02/2015          Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Promotionsstipendium
  • 09/2011 – 09/2012          Academic Swiss Caucasus Net, Forschungsprojekt “Political Elites, Ideas and Foreign Policy”
  • 03/2007 – 07/2007           Deutscher Bundestag, International Parliamentary Scholarship
  • 01/2007 – 07/2007           Centre for Strategic Studies, Tbilisi (Georgien), Stipendium zum Masterstudium
  • 07/2004 – 08/2004           German Academic Exchange Service, Bremen, European Studies Scholarship