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Elias Steinhilper, M.A.


Function External Teaching Staff
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Scuola Normale Superiore

Palazzo Strozzi

Piazza degli Strozzi

I-50123 Firenze

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Academic CV

Since 11/2014 PhD Candidate in Political Science and Sociology at the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, Scuola Normale Superiore, Florenz.
Since 11/2014 External Teaching Staff, Department of Political Science, University of Freiburg.


Academic Assistant, Department of Political Science, University of Freiburg.
10/2010 – 07/2013 M.A. in Political Science at University of Freiburg. Final Grade 1,0. Master thesis on the construction and diffusion of rights of indigenous peoples.
09/2008 - 03/2009 Exchange year at the  University of Essex, UK.
10/2006 – 01/2010 B.A. in Political Science at FU Berlin.

Work Experience

05/2012-08/2011 Student instructor at the Chair of International Politics (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rüland), University of Freiburg.
03/2011-07/2011 Intern at the UN Office of the High Comissioner for Human Rights in Geneva. Support of the Special Rapportuers on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights.
10/2010-02/2011 Student instructor at the Chair of International Politics (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rüland), University of Freiburg.
02/2010-10/2011 Freelance radio and print Journalist und Author, eg. for Deutschlandfunk, WDR, SWR, taz.
08/2009 Consultant at the German Institute for Human Righs.
03/2009 – 07/2009 Intern, German Institute for Human Righs.
03/2008 – 04/2008 Human Rights Observer, Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de las Casas in St. Christobal de las Casas, Mexiko.

Research Interests

  • Theory and Practice of Human Rights
  • Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  • Politics of Migration and Asylum
  • Social Movements and Contestations


PhD Project

"Resisisting (Beyond) Borders. Understanding the Network Dynamics of Refugee Mo" (Working Title, Supervisor: Donatella della Porta)



  • ST 2016 (PS): Destination Europe: Politics in the Age of Migration.
  • WT 2014/2015 (PS): The Borders of Europe. Asylum and Migration in the EU.
  • ST 2014 (PS): Human Rights Politics. Introduction the International Protection of HR.
  • ST 2014 (PS): The Borders of Europe. Asylum and Migration in the EU.
  • WT 2013/2014 (PS): Foundations of International Politics (2 courses, core module)
  • WT 2013/2014:Introduction to Politcal Science.

Conference Appearances

  • "From the Rest to the West? The Construction and Diffusion of Rights of Indigenous Peoples". Paper presentated at ISA Joint Conference, 16-18 June, Istanbul/Turkey.
  • "Transnational Spaces of Contention around Refugee Rights in Europe". Paper presented at "Challenging Collectivities", 29-31. October 2015, University of Frankfurt.
  • "Discussing Gezi after two years". Chair of a panel discussion, Scuola Normale Superiore, 11 May 2015.


Selected Publications

  • Steinhilper, Elias (2015): "From 'the Rest' to 'the West': Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Western Bias in Norm Diffusion Research." In: International Studies Review, 17 (4), 535-555.

  • Steinhilper, Elias (2015): "Book Review: Europeanizing Contention. The Protest Against 'Fortress Europe' in France and Germany." In: Social Movement Studies, published online: 9. January 2015.

  • Steinhilper, Elias (2014): "Die Norm Asyl und die politische Funktion der Ausnahme." In: POWISION, Nr. 16.

  • Steinhilper, Elias (2014): Tagungsbericht Doing Deportation – Moral und Kontingenz in der Abschiebepraxis.17.07.2014–19.07.2014, Buchenbach, in: HSoz-u-Kult 19.09.2014.


  • Freiburg Network of Migration Research (FreiNeM): Homepage.
  • Centre for Social Movement Studies (COSMOS), European University Institute, Florence.