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Dr. Astrid Carrapatoso

Astrid Carrapatoso.JPG


Assistant Professor

Consultation Timeby arrangement
AdressRempartstr. 15, 79085 Freiburg
Room 4320
Telephone+49 - (0)761 - 203-3470



Astrid Carrapatoso, born 1978, studied Political Science and English Philology at the University of Freiburg, Germany. She received a Master's Degree in Political Science in 2003 and finished her PhD thesis on “The Greening of Free Trade. Domestic Politics and Environmental Issues in New Zealand’s Free Trade Agreement Negotiations“ in 2007. In her thesis, she focused on the influence of civil society actors on the integration of environmental issues into the New Zealand-Thailand free trade agreement, the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership between Singapore, New Zealand, Chile and Brunei and the WTO negotiations on fisheries subsidies. During this time, she was funded by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation. In 2004 and 2006, she worked as a research fellow at Auckland University. Since 2007, she is an assistant professor at the Political Science Department at the University of Freiburg. Until 2009, she was the managing director of the department. She is also responsible for the National Model United Nations (NMUN) programme. 

In 2008 and 2009, she actively participated in a wide range of academic conferences addressing the issues of environment, development and civil society. In 2009, she was invited as a speaker to a Hong Kong conference on the challenges of climate change for China and the Asia-Pacific region. In 2009, she was granted a research scholarship from the National Europe Center of the Australian National University in Canberra.

Her research focus is on climate change policies, environmental policy diffusion between the European Union and Asian countries, trade and environment issues including fisheries with a specific focus on the Asia-Pacific region as well as the role of civil society in environmental governance.


Summer term 2016 Sustainable Development
Winter term 2015/16 Umweltbewegungen und NGOs in der internationalen Politik - Idealisten, Lobbyisten, Dienstleister
Winter term 2013/14 Sustainable Development - What Is It About? (Hauptseminar)
Summer term 2013 Quo Vadis UNFCCC? (Hauptseminar)
Winter term 2012/13 Regional Environmental Problem-Solving (Hauptseminar)
Summer term 2012Europäische Umweltpolitik (Hauptseminar) mit Exkursion nach Straßburg
Winter term 2011/12Interregionale Klimakooperation (Hauptseminar)
Summer term 2010

Zivilgesellschaft im Global Governance (Hauptseminar)

Can States Save the Globe?  Environmental Foreign Policy-Making in the Context of Global Governance (Proseminar) mit Exkursion nach Genf

Winter term 2009/10Global Environmental Governance (Hauptseminar)
Summer term 2009Foreign Policy Re-Directed- Climate Change as a Security Risk (Hauptseminar) mit Exkursion nach Berlin
Winter term 2008/09Globale Umweltpolitik lokal umgesetzt (Grundkurs)
Summer term 2008International Environmental Politics (Grundkurs) mit Exkursion nach Genf
Winter term 2007/08Die Vereinten Nationen: Strukturelle, Institutionelle und Normative Herausforderungen im 21. Jahrhundert (Grundkurs)


Research Focus

  • interregional climate cooperation (especially EU external relations)
  • EU-Asia-relations regarding environmental and climate policies
  • Role of civil society in global and regional environmental-governance
  • Comparative regionalism
  • international climate and environmental policies

Research Projects

since october 2012: "Integreation of REDD+ into the new UNFCCC climate agreement  and potential approaches to CBD" (sponsored by the Federal Office for Environmental Protection, BfN)

Interregional climate and environment cooperations in comparision


  • Carrapatoso, Astrid; Kürzinger, Edith (eds.) (2014): Climate resilient development. Participatory solutions from developing countries, London: Routledge.
  • Carrapatoso, Astrid; Kürzinger, Edith (2014): Finding a Panacea? An Introduction into Climate-Resilient Development, In: Carrapatoso, Astrid; Kürzinger, Edith (eds.): Climate resilient development. Participatory solutions from developing countries, London: Routledge, pp. 9-39.
  • Carrapatoso, Astrid; Well, Mareike (2014): Interregional Climate Cooperation: EU-China Relations as a Success Story?, In: Carrapatoso, Astrid; Kürzinger, Edith (eds.): Climate resilient development. Participatory solutions from developing countries, London: Routledge, pp. 204-226.
  • Carrapatoso, Astrid; Kürzinger, Edith (2014): Conclusions for research and policy agendas, In: Carrapatoso, Astrid; Kürzinger, Edith (eds.): Climate resilient development. Participatory solutions from developing countries, London: Routledge, pp. 267-285.
  • Carrapatoso, A. (2011): Climate policy diffusion: interregional dialogue in China-EU relations. Global Change, Peace & Security 23 (2), pp. 177-194.
  • Carrapatoso, Astrid (2011). Security and the Environment: What Is At Stake?, In: Schuck, Christoph (Hrsg.). Security in a Changing Global Environment. Challenging the Human Security Approach. Baden-Baden: Nomos
  • Fritz Carrapatoso, Astrid (2009). Die WTO und der globale Umweltschutz - Ein Beitrag zum Green New Deal?, in: Giga Focus, 4/2009.
  • Environmental Aspects in Free-trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific Region, In: Asia-Europe Journal, Vol 6, No 2, 2008.
  • Ein Klima der Veränderung? Ergebnisse des Weltklimagipfels in Bali 2007, In: Giga Focus, 3/2008.
  • The Greening of Free Trade. Domestic Politics and Environmental Issues in New Zealand’s Free Trade Agreement Negotiations. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller 2007.
  • The Integration of Trade and Environmental Policies in Free Trade Agreements in Southeast Asia, in: Südostasien aktuell, 1, 2007.
  • New Zealand German Relations: quietly deepening, in: New Zealand International Review, May/June 2006.

Conference Contributions

  • Triggering Cooperation in Southeast Asia? The Role of Civil Society in Asia-Europe Relationns, 7. EuroSEAS Konferenz, 2.-5. Juli 2013, Lissabon (mit Anke Wiedemann, Sabrina Zajak).
  • Platforms of Diffusion - Where Regional Organizations Get Their Environmental Ideas From, ISA Annual Convention, 3.6. April 2013, San Francisco.
  • NGOs in der (inter-)regionalen Klimakooperation - Legitimationsquelle oder Störfaktor? DVPW-Kongress 2012, 24.-28. September 2012, Tübingen
  • In Search of Alternative Governance Models - The Contribution of Interregional Climate Cooperation to the Global Climate Change Regime, Lund Conference on Earth System Governance, 18.-10. April 2012, Lund 
  • Interregional Climate Dialogues - An Alternative to the UNFCCC Process? EADI General Conference, 19. - 22. September 2011, York.
  • Framing and the Actorness of Individuals in International Relations Theory, ECPR Joint Session , Workshop: ‘Bringing the Individual Back In – IR Theory and the First Image’, 12.-17. April 2011, St. Gallen (mit Bernd Schlipphak).
  • EU-China Relations on Climate Change and the Role of Bilateral Cooperation for a Global Climate Change Regime; Lingnan University Conference on China and Global Climate Change, 18.-1.9 Juni 2009, Hong Kong.
  • Understanding Civil Society's Power in Global Governance: the Role of Non-State Actors in the WTO Fisheries Negotiations; ECPR Joint Session, 14.-19. April, Lissabon.
  • Making Free Trade Greener? The Challenge of Overcoming Incoherent Trade and Environmental Policies and the Role of Civil Society; 12th EADI General Conference on Global Governance and Sustainable Development, 24.-28. Juni 2008, Genf.
  • Having a Real Say? The Role of Civil Society Actors in Free Trade Agreement Negotiations. The Case of New Zealand; IBEI Conference on Society and Free Trade in a Global World, 21.-22. Februar 2008, Barcelona.
  • Clean and Green New Zealand? Small Nation, Great Impact? 2004 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, 3.-4. Dezember 2004.